Passive Income app click the picture above for more info! Sweatcoin The App that Pays you to get fit!!
The Griffins are in the mountains! We are making new traditions for our family! We are owners of a timeshare...
Start investing with @Stash today! We’ll each get $5 when you use my link: click the picture above! Learn to...
What’s in your pockets! What do you carry every day to make things easy in your life ? I...
The Griffins short adventure! It was a short drive to a small and unassuming Restaurant. I drove past this place...
Today I took my daughter out to work on her driving. She actually did pretty well. As part of our...
Applesauce Pancakes Yield: 10 servings (serving size: 1 pancake) Good to Know These diabetic-friendly pancakes are low in fat...
Welcome to the small historic town of Port Deposit! This small town has a quaint feel with a mass...
Bright moment in The Man Cave! My brother and nephew came by to visit me. We took a ride to...
Receiving an economic transfer! God is bringing his people out into their own land. Taking over cities for the kingdom...